
this is about family and its ups and downs, living, and everything about life from a working mom's perspective.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

How to Enjoy Each Precious Cup of Coffee

I saw this on Yahoo! and I knew had to share this with all you coffee lovers out there.

Photo Credit: Yahoo! She Philippines

Just a side note, whenever I buy from Starbucks, I always ask if they have coffee grounds to feed my hungry plants.  For those of you who aren't aware, this is actually free.  A barista even told me that I can use the coffee grounds as a body scrub so long as the grounds are a maximum of three days old (counted from the time they were brewed).  Make sure they don't have molds yet before you use them.   These grounds not only help unclog your bathroom drain, but you'll also have glowing skin after using them. (Ah, kaya pala mahal ang kape sa Starbucks. hehehehe- jowk!)

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